8BitDo Mod Kit Makes OG GameCube Controllers Wireless For Gaming On Android And Switch

by · HotHardware

The original Gamecube Controller is a product of Nintendo's eccentric design sensibilities, but it's still a favorite of gamers. Talk to Smash Bros players, for instance, and they'll immediately extol the virtues of this wacky-looking gamepad. The controller has been re-released on occasion, but some purists want the original hardware, and 8BitDo has a new product that will modernize the OG Gamecube controller for those picky gamers.

The new 8BitDo mod kit will turn the Gamecube controller into a more durable wireless controller with a rechargeable battery. It replaces some of the most wear-prone components, and best of all, the kit doesn't require any soldering. If you can splice some wires, you can mod your original controller to make it compatible with modern devices like Android phones and the Nintendo Switch without wires.

In addition to the $26 mod kit, you'll need an original Gamecube controller—or at least most of one. The kit comes with a new PCB and integrated battery, period-accurate thumbsticks with Hall effect sensors, and a few bits of wire to connect everything. The kit does not require the old PCB and thumbsticks, but the you have to salvage and reattach the controller's unusually large vibration motor. Attaching this component to the new PCB is probably going to be the most complicated part of the mod.

You'll reassemble the modded controller with most of the case and button covers from the original hardware. 8BitDo says that the use of Hall effect thumbsticks will ensure drift-free operation for years to come. The 300mAh internal battery will offer about six hours of gameplay over Bluetooth. The PCB also has an LED to indicate charge and connection status. The controller is charged via a USB-C port.

There are some adapters on the market that can wirelessly connect the wired Gamecube controller to a modern device—8BitDo even makes one of its own. However, this mod makes the controller a standalone wireless controller for greater portability and simplicity. If you've got a beloved Gamecube controller laying around, this $26 mod could make a good project. And you'll still be able to use the controller with the OG Gamecube with the 8BitDo Retro Receiver. However, that's another $26 on top of the mod kit.