Book store donations rise

by · Castanet
Ben Low-On

Alpine Centre Bookwarehouse has been a staple in the Vernon community for the last 18 years.

However, the last six months have been the most challenging, with low donation numbers.

“We raise money for the community,” said volunteer Lesley Hayes. “We want to have enough books on the shelves to sell to keep our levels up.”

On Aug. 1, the non-profit turned to social media and sent out a plea for donations.

Within days, steadier donations started coming in. One employee told Castanet that she had seen numbers skyrocket since the post.

The book warehouse is not your normal bookstore. The volunteer-run non-profit sells books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and other items and then gives that money to Vernon charities.

Some of those charities include Archway Society for Domestic Peace, Vernon Salvation Army, the Special Olympics and others.

“Last year, I believe we donated $38,000,” said Hayes.

The book warehouse has donated $15,000 this year and more donations are expected in the fall.

The store is open Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.