This Woman Listed These Specific Hobbies As The Least Attractive Ones Men Could Have

by · BuzzFeed

A viral Tweet sharing what supposedly are the least attractive male hobbies has been circulating on social media, and people have a lot to say about it.

This is 💯 true. Men playing video games is peak unattractive. Beyond red flag. Like dealbreaker zone. It’s weird that so many dudes don’t get this.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) August 20, 2024

@Liz_Wheeler / Via Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler

Although the Tweet says there isn't a source for the reported finding, the graph above is loosely based on an actual survey done by the attraction research group Date Psychology. The group surveyed 840 men and women about their thoughts about male hobbies. Now, it's time to hear your thoughts on these hobbies!