There are 3 types of brain teasers

Only those with ‘perfect’ vision can spot all the ants in this picture in 15 seconds

Brainteasers can be a great way to keep your mind engaged and this specific one may leave you longing for a picnic in these final summer days

by · The Mirror

The more you exercise your brain at solving puzzles the better you will become at solving tricky brainteasers and the smarter you will become.

While there are many types of brain puzzles including crosswords and sudoku, the most common quick types are known as observational, analytical, and mathematical brainteasers. Mathematical brainteasers come as tricky maths-based puzzles, while analytical brainteasers are fiddly word-based puzzles. In both cases, the user has to try and answer them as quickly as possible.

This puzzle is known as an observational brainteaser, starting with an image that is all mixed up, images jumbled together and the player's job is to find the anomaly within the puzzle. In this brainteaser from Betway, the user’s task is to try to find the ants in this picnic scene as quickly as possible.

Only those with ‘perfect’ vision can spot all the ants in this picture in 15 seconds

Many studies have shown doing puzzles makes you quicker, and sharper and ultimately trains your brain and makes you smarter. There’s no shortcut, you have to do hard puzzles and test your brain's abilities again and again for it to expand. Being able to figure out visual puzzles quickly can show you have perfect vision and a sharp mind. Did you spot the ant in under 15 seconds? No worries if not, the answer is circled above with the ants in the bottom of the image.

Many studies have shown doing puzzles makes you quicker, and sharper and ultimately trains your brain and makes you smarter.

These types of games are known to utilise your cognitive skills but are also said to improve focus and the ability to learn. These types of puzzles can improve your health as they help with neurological stimulation. Although they won’t stop you from getting dementia, other risk factors can have a much bigger impact.