See if you can figure out which door Atlas can exit from safely(Image: Bright Side)

Tricky IQ test asks you to pick safest exit in 15 seconds - and it's harder than it looks

This seriously hard brainteaser will get you thinking outside of the box with this question. Only those with a high IQ will be able to work it out within 15 seconds

by · The Mirror

Only those with a high IQ will be able to identify the safest door within 15 seconds.

Brainteasers and puzzles are a great way to help improve memory and concentration skills, and this latest one will definitely put your brain to work.

You are asked to figure out which door is the safest for the man to escape through. Sounds easy right? In true brain teaser form, it's designed to trick you - and you only have 15 seconds to work out the answer.

You'll need to think outside of the box rather than mathematically, so set your timer and see if you can do it.

Can you figure out which door he should go through?( Image: Bright Side)

This IQ test is a fun way to test your intelligence level based on the decisions you make while solving a given problem. These types of brain teasers need you to carefully analyse the issue and use logical and analytical reasoning to come up with the solution. Since the solution won't be immediately in front of you, it will help if you use creative thinking to arrive at it. As the answer won’t be right in front of you, it would also help to think creatively to come to the solution.

The puzzle explains that Atlas has been trapped in the attic of an old and dilapidated house and there are three doors that he can use to escape. Unfortunately, they all hide different dangers. The windows and floor behind the first door are all made of magnifying glass and the sunlight will burn him if he enters. The second door hides a room full of poisonous gas and behind the third door is a hungry lion who will bite Atlas the first chance it gets.

The puzzle challenges the viewers to spot the safest exit door for Atlas. You are required to look at the image very carefully before answering and as a heads up, the answer has been given right below the question, so make sure you don’t scroll too far and cheat!

If you remember, each door poses a threat to Atlas but there is one that's a better option than the rest. Have you figured it out? If not, let's go through the rooms again:

  • Door 1 The windows and floor behind the first door are all made of magnifying glass and the sunlight will most likely burn him if he enters.
  • Door 2: The second door hides a room full of poisonous gas that will poison or kill him.
  • Door 3: A hungry lion is behind the third door waiting to chow down on whoever enters.

Have you figured it out yet? No worries if you haven’t, as we're sharing the answer now. The answer to this puzzle is that the first door is the safest exit through and thankfully, there is a way for Atlas to walk through this way without dying. All he has to do is wait until nighttime as that way, the extreme sunlight won't pose a threat anymore and he can exit safely.

An earlier version of this story was published in October 2023.

Did you get the answer right? Let us know in the comments below.