The autumn equinox is just days away(Image: Getty Images)

Three star signs will be 'challenged' during autumn equinox which is just days away

As we approach the autumn equinox, which falls on 22 September, astrologer Inbaal Honigman has shared how the major celestial shift will impact each star sign

by · The Mirror

With autumn knocking on our doors, it's no surprise astrology buffs are frantically Googling what the upcoming autumn equinox means for them.

This significant time of year occurs when the sun sits directly above the equator, leading to equal hours of daylight and darkness, signalling the end of summer's warmth and the commencement of Libra season with its balanced harmony.

Come 22 September, as we embrace the shift into autumn, Psychic World teams up with star-gazer to the stars Inbaal Honigman to divulge the impact this seasonal and celestial transition may have on each zodiac sign.

Everyone can seize the equinox as a moment to reflect on summer's passing intensity and welcome winter's nuanced chill.

However, for some such as Aries, Cancer, and Gemini, adapting to these changes might be challenging.

Channelling her cosmic insight, Inbaal has shared with us: "As you get ready for the equinox, take a few moments to jot down the best and worst of your summer, and your biggest hopes and fears for winter. Light a candle to banish the worries and invite positivity," reports the Express.

What does the autumn equinox mean for your sign?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

For those born under Aries, the equilibrium promised by the equinox may seem uninspiring as these fiery individuals are often drawn to extremes, not balance. With the arrival of Libra season, which is Aries' astrological opposite and focuses on equilibrium, this could be a particularly tough period for the ram.

Inbaal advises setting aside time to find this balance, suggesting that for every active day, there should be a calm one. This might not sound like the most exciting plan, but it will help steady your mind in the weeks ahead.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The Autumn Equinox is a balanced and elegant time of year, which resonates with Taureans who value peace and equilibrium. However, this is also an ideal time for Taurus to step out of their comfort zone and seize the opportunity presented by the Harvest Moon on the 29th, which is a great time for planning new and unconventional experiences.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

As the life and soul of the party and a summer enthusiast, Gemini may struggle with the impending autumnal sense of solitude. The sensible balance of the Autumn Equinox can seem dull to many, so the twin sign should strive to reconnect with their inner child and all the things they love about Autumn.

And if possible, Inbaal suggests booking a trip to see the Northern Lights, or tuning into a Northern Lights broadcast on your phone to keep things fun and original.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers, who are lunar creatures ruled by the moon, may not feel the equinox as strongly. They're more likely to be impacted by the Harvest Moon on the 29th, a time of endings and resource gathering, rather than the autumn equinox which signifies balance.

This season, emotional Cancers can find comfort in their favourite autumnal scents, films and spending time with their loved ones.

The autumn equinox will differ in inmpact depending on your star sign( Image: Getty Images)

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Leos, whose planetary ruler is the Sun, will feel celestial shifts like solstices and equinoxes quite intensely. The urge to say goodbye to the joys of summer and welcome the muted tones of autumn is strong, even though they'll miss the sunny days. This season, Leos can expect a powerful boost as the energetic shift will ignite their curiosity and passion.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The equinox signals the end of Virgo season, and isn't that ironic? Under Virgo's influence, society has been organised and tidy, shedding unnecessary baggage and focusing on self-improvement, much like the sign itself. And when the Equinox asks everyone - have you finished? Is everything in order? And Virgos can confidently respond 'yes'.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

As we enter Libra season, those born under this sign will be in their element. No one loves the cosy vibes of autumn more than a Libra.

With pumpkin spice everything now in full swing, there's no judgement here for those who want to slip into their PJs as soon as they get home from work. It's all about finding peace and tranquillity in the simple moments, like watching the leaves fall.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

For Scorpios, secrets are their safety blanket. We're not talking big secrets like leading a double life, but rather small ones like 'yes, I loved Dangerous Liaisons' or 'I can't navigate my way around Birmingham'.

As the Autumn Equinox arrives, Scorpios wave goodbye to summer and find solace in the darker days of winter. It's a time of renewal and refreshment.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The end of summer can be tough for Sagittarians, mainly because they have such a love for travel and the equinox calls for a period of calm and balance. Sagittarians should allow themselves a few days of stillness and put their passports away for a while before jetting off in search of some winter sun.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns, with their business-minded approach to life, understand that change is a constant and cyclical part of existence. They seize opportunities for change when they arise.

The Autumn equinox serves as a reminder that what once worked may no longer be effective, signalling the need to adjust your routine.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The autumn equinox is set to inspire the humanitarian and idealistic Aquarius to explore new territories and acquire fresh knowledge. They have a knack for lending a hand, albeit subtly. The autumnal season is an ideal fit for this sign, who will maintain their usual routine during the equinox and the following weeks.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Being hopeless romantics, Pisces set lofty standards for themselves. The Equinox's emphasis on equilibrium and self-worth is a message that resonates with Pisces. The heightened chance of catching a glimpse of the Northern Lights adds a sprinkle of magic to this autumn season for Pisces.